Tag: appraisal services

The Rise of Multigenerational Living

A Response to Housing Affordability Challenges

The Baltimore metropolitan area, encompassing Baltimore City and surrounding areas to include Baltimore County, Howard County, Anne Arundel, Carroll County and others have witnessed a notable trend: an increasing number of families choosing multigenerational living arrangements as a practical response to the current housing challenges. Rising costs, lack of home inventory and the economic challenges of today’s market have buyers broadening their thought process on solutions.

The cost of housing in Baltimore and its surrounding counties has been rising steadily, outpacing wage growth and making it increasingly difficult for many buyers to afford housing. This coupled with the rise of healthcare, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and other elder care services have made multigenerational living (where multiple generations of a family choose to live together under one roof) become a viable option for many.  This arrangement also helps provide in-home housing for elderly relatives, adult children, young adults facing student loan debt or caregivers while maintaining some level of independence and privacy. 

In many cultures, multigenerational living has long been a traditional practice. The respect for elders, strong family ties, and the desire to provide care and support across generations contribute to the attractiveness of this living arrangement. 

When dealing with multigenerational households, there is typically the presence of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). An Accessory Dwelling Unit, is a secondary housing unit that is located on the same property as a single-family home. Also known as granny flats, in-law units, or backyard cottages, ADUs (according to Fannie Mae) must include space for living, sleeping, cooking and bathrooms independent of the primary residence. They are designed to be smaller in size compared to the primary residence and are intended to provide additional housing options within existing residential neighborhoods. An ADU can be detached from the main dwelling, attached to the dwelling or within the dwelling. 

The regulations and guidelines for ADUs vary widely depending on local zoning laws, building codes, and community preferences. Many jurisdictions have specific requirements regarding the size, design, and occupancy of ADUs to ensure they are compatible with the character of the neighborhood and do not pose undue burden on infrastructure or parking.

Local and state governments may need to reassess zoning regulations and housing policies to accommodate the diverse needs of multigenerational households. This could include incentives for developers or builders to build multifunctional homes in support of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to create separate living spaces within existing properties.

With the current state of the housing market and the changing needs of buyers, multigenerational living represents a flexible and innovative approach for our current demographic trends as well as addressing current housing inventory needs.  

Housing Shortage in Maryland

Maryland is facing a serious housing shortage that is impacting the entire state, but especially the Baltimore Metropolitan area. The low inventory of available homes combined with high interest rates has made it difficult for potential buyers to find an affordable home in the area. This has caused a decrease in overall real estate sales, and an increase in rental prices. As a result, many people are unable to purchase a home due to financial constraints.

Historical median data for Harford County, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County and Cecil County all have shown a decrease of approximately 30% in closed home sales for the 1st quarter of 2023 compared to the 1st quarter of 2022. The current homes offered for sale have also decreased compared to last year’s data. Harford County homes for sale are down 19.2%, Baltimore County inventory is down 30.2% and Cecil County homes for sale are down 35.6%. With that being noted the median sale prices for each county have increased marginally.

So, why is the inventory amount for houses on the market so low??

One reason inventory is so low nationally is that many homeowners were able to lock in record low interest rates in 2020 and 2021. Mortgage rates have continued to  increase since then—the rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage reached 6.7% on March 9, nearly double that of a year ago, according to Freddie Mac. That means that homeowners who bought or refinanced with low interest rates are reluctant to sell their homes and buy another with a mortgage with a much higher interest rate.

Older Americans have decided to age in place. There is not much of an incentive for Baby Boomers to sell their home because of economic uncertainty. Demographics according to the National Association of Realtors owners used to sell every six or seven years but the typical seller in 2019 owned a home for 10 years. This amount is bound to increase due to the low rates of 2020 and 2021 – no one would willingly give up the low interest rates they locked into during this time.

Landlords are also not willing to sell. With rental rates rising and the high rates of return on investment, less and less investors are willing to sell and eliminate their lucrative cash flow. Approximately 33% of households rent their homes in Maryland: this is a large amount of inventory that will see no movement in the near future further adding to the bleak future of influx within the housing market.

The housing shortage in Maryland has been a long-standing issue, and it has only been exacerbated by the recent inflationary pressures. With the cost of living on the rise, the increase in interest rates for mortgages,  many households are struggling to find affordable housing and are unable to keep up with rising rents. Unfortunately, this issue doesn’t seem like it is going anywhere anytime soon. A big reason higher home prices have been sustainable is that housing inventory is markedly low. And until that changes, home prices are unlikely to drop in the near future.

*Historical data for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area was noted from quarterly reports provided by Bright MLS, Inc.

Maryland Inheritance Tax and Maryland Estate Tax – Double Trouble!

Maryland inheritance tax is a tax imposed on the privilege of receiving property. The federal government does not have an inheritance tax, and only six states collect this tax. Maryland is one of those 6 states and Maryland also has an estate tax which is a tax imposed on the privilege of transferring property. Not exactly a perk for  being a Marylander!  Estate tax and inheritance tax are two types of death taxes that are often used interchangeably, but they have a key difference. Estate tax is calculated based on the net value of all the property owned by a deceased person and is paid by the estate before any inheritance is issued. Inheritance tax is based on the amount that beneficiaries receive from the estate and is paid by them.

Some individuals are exempt from the inheritance tax in Maryland, depending on their relationship to the person that has passed away. Currently, property that passes to a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, step-parent, step-child, child or other lineal descendant, spouse of a child or other lineal descendant, or a corporation that has only people in this category as stockholders, is entirely exempt from the Maryland inheritance tax. A primary residence owned by domestic partners held in joint tenancy at the time of one partner’s death is also exempt from the inheritance tax. However, property that passes to any other beneficiary than those mentioned is subject to the Maryland inheritance tax of 10%.

The estate tax threshold for Maryland is $5 million as of 2023. This means that if you die and your total estate is worth less than $5 million, the estate owes nothing at all to the state of Maryland. If your estate is worth more than $5 million, though, there is a progressive tax rate for all wealth above that $5 million mark that your estate will have to pay before money can be dispersed to your heirs.

If you are fortunate enough to have an estate worth beyond 5 million dollars there are a things you can do to lessen the amount of estate taxes.

Give it away! Consider making gifts while you’re still alive. Any gifts you make during your lifetime will help reduce your total estate value, and you’re probably gonna make some people very happy! For 2023, the annual gift tax exemption is $17,000, up from $16,000 in 2022. This means you can give up to $17,000 to as many people as you want in 2023 without any of it being subject to the federal gift tax. The gift tax is imposed by the IRS if you transfer money or property – worth more than an exempted amount – to another person without receiving at least equal value in return. This could apply to parents giving money to their children, the gifting of property such as a house or a car, or any other transfer. There is also a lifetime exclusion of $12.92 million in 2023.

Trusts are a popular option because they can be used to avoid the probate process as well as reduce estate taxes. Trusts are an important part of estate planning and can be used to protect your assets and ensure that your wishes are carried out. A trust is a legal entity that holds title to property for the benefit of another person or organization. It can be used to transfer ownership of assets, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, or other investments, from one person to another without going through probate court. Trusts also provide tax advantages and can help reduce the amount of taxes owed upon death. With proper planning, a trust can help you ensure that your family’s financial security is protected after you’re gone.

Another consideration to avoid estate and/or inheritance tax is to relocate. Location, location, location!!! Consider finding a state without these financial penalties.

Speaking to a financial advisor, estate planner and/or an attorney tailored to your specific needs is the best route when deciding  what will happen with your wealth. Since you can’t take it with you, at least you can be in charge of where it ends up. Thank you for reading and best of luck protecting your future fortune!

An Estate Sale Appraisal Process

An Estate Sale Appraisal Process

After 25 years of handling estate sale appraisal in the Baltimore Metropolitan area I have seen my fair share of estate sales. But what is an estate sale? An estate sale means a person has died and the party/parties that inherited the property are selling it.  Estate properties usually are priced well to reflect that fact that they need work. Another  possible issue is that if there are multiple parties involved, they may not always agree on what price or terms they’ll accept and there may be delays  due to the need to negotiate among each other, though hopefully that is not the case.

As an appraiser there are multiple ways to appraise a property that belongs to an estate. One method is the traditional appraisal process of determining the most recent and appropriate comparables in the market area surrounding the property.

Many times we are asked to evalauate the property’s value as of the date of death of the deceased owner(s). This is typically a private appraisal for an attorney or for one of the parties who will be part of the estate looking for the market value. When establishing the value on the date of death  the sales comparables must have occurred prior to the date of passing, so if I was doing an appraisal on a house where the  deceased passed 12 months ago, the sales would had to have sold prior to that date, say 13 or 14 months ago. You cannot use sales that occurred after the date of passing: this is called a retroactive appraisal.

The appraiser can not be biased or allow recent circumstances in the market to affect the value after the retroactive date…say the market plummets or prices have increased substantially due to high demand… the estate appraisal should reflect what the market was on the date of the passing, not anytime after.

A big part of maximizing what you leave behind is minimizing taxes. Federal taxes on gifts and estates can be among the highest assessed on any financial transaction. In addition, some states levy their own estate or inheritance taxes.

An appraiser,  an attorney and a tax advisor can aid in the process of estate issues. As an appraisal company we can provide one of the services needed in regards to your estate and real estate valuation.  Robinson Appraisal Group covers the areas of Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Harford County, Cecil County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County and Howard County. Having a professional appraisal gives the parties involved a reputable report to work with in meeting IRS and state agency requirements. It would be our pleasure to work with you during this arduous process.

Interest rates are the highest in the past 7 years!!!

Interest rates for buyers with good credit or credit worthiness for a 30 year loan is approximately 4.875% while average buyers fall around 5%. A hike in rates have been talked about since last year with minimal increases until recently. Mortgage rates started around 4% at the beginning of 2018 and have seen a steady increase. With the positive retail sales data and the rising home costs due to low inventory in some of the major markets the interest rate hike is not a complete surprise.
Typically a rise in rates will slow down the rise of prices in this high demand/low inventory market but the demand of today’s buyer has not been derailed by the spike in interest rates thus far. We have had years of low interest rates, now with mortgage rates creeping up to 5% and gas prices rising a correction is looming for the typical buyer.
Borrowers that refinance their current loans make up a smaller portion of the mortgage business than at any time in the past two decades, which poses a challenge for lenders who already fear higher interest rates and climbing home prices could potentially stunt purchase activity.
In a January statement, Fed officials said they expected annual inflation to “move up this year and to stabilize” around the US central bank’s target inflation rate of 2%. The Fed has forecast three rate increases in 2018.
According to local real estate agents the Harford County real estate market is a bit more competitive than Baltimore and Cecil County markets. Properly priced properties typically sell within days of being listed many with multiple offers. This seller’s market may come to a screeching halt with interest rates beyond 5%, so if you are looking to buy or sell, keep an eye on trends and rates. An appraisal can help you make a decision to buy or sell in this ever changing market. Please contact Robinson Appraisal Group for any help you may need in your valuation process.

Fannie Mae Easing their Standards

LOAN NOT APPROVED! This is the last thing a potential buyer wants to hear from a bank when trying to purchase a home, but now with Fannie Mae easing the financial standards of the debt to income (DTI) ratio. The DTI will be raised from 45% to 50% on July 29. What determines your DTI ratio? DTI is a ratio that compares your gross monthly income to your monthly payment on all of debt accounts. Included in this is your monthly credit card bills, auto loan payment, student loan payments, etc., and the monthly projected payments on the new mortgage. A $6,000 household monthly income and $2,500 in monthly debt payments, your DTI is 42 percent. Lenders use this ratio to evaluate your current debt load and to see how much you can responsibly afford to borrow. Less debt equals more borrowing power.  If you are loaded down with monthly debts, you’re at a higher risk of falling behind on your mortgage payments…this is not rocket science.

Researching data that spanned nearly 15 years, Fannie Mae’s researchers analyzed borrowers with DTIs in the 45 percent to 50 percent range and found that a significant number of them actually have decent credit and are unlikely to default on their home loans. Significant enough to raise the ceiling and stick their neck out just a little bit more for buyers. Lenders are excited about the policy change giving those buyers just over the 45% threshold a chance in the marketplace. All applicants still need to jump through the multitude of hurdles when it comes to Fannie Mae’s underwriting criteria. The criteria entails down payment, credit history, income, loan-to-value ratio and a mountain of other financial criteria.

The largest population rejected because of high DTI ratios are the Millennials, who often stretch to pay their rent early in their careers. Millennials are the generation born between 1980-2000, which means that the bulk of Millennials are entering the prime home-buying age. They are a new targeted demographic with a lot of marketing being angled toward them in an attempt to attain their buying power: could this expanded ratio correlate with the Millennial?

Millennials are the demographic group helping Baltimore City gain population for the first time in a half century. Harford County is having a more difficult time attracting this market sector: Millennials are looking for mixed use communities, transportation, dining and shopping opportunities. Baltimore County also has tried to cater their communities around this sector of the population.

Regardless of what age or demographic you may lie in, Fannie Mae may not be your only option if your DTI is above 45% or even 50%. As of 2016 FHA (Federal Housing Administration) guidelines maximum debt to income ratio of approximately 55% with compensating factors. FHA does have a major drawback, it requires the borrower to keep paying mortgage insurance premiums for the life of the loan, well after the risk of financial loss to FHA has disappeared.

Having a hefty amount of debt, whether it be from student loans or shopping sprees, may not deter you from being a homeowner with the added help of Fannie Mae increasing the DTI ratio. With the decision of easing the financial standards of the DTI ratio to increase a broader base of buyers I hope it comes with an increased amount of caution for the future of the housing market. As an appraiser for properties in Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Harford County, Howard County, Cecil County, Carroll County and Howard County during the housing crash when the easing of requirements regarding lending money did not bode well I remain watchful on the recent decision for the broadening DTI. The housing market crash, which started in 2007 should be a constant reminder and lesson for the easing of standards and what sort of repercussions it could bring.

Listing Shortage!!!

Already this year we have seen a shortage in the supply of homes on the market. With the beginning of the spring season upon us buyers are waiting with bated breath ready to pounce on the purchase of their new home. Comparing active listings from last March (2016) to this March (2017) in the Baltimore Metro Area housing market (which includes the City of Baltimore, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County and Howard County) the results are undeniable. The number of active listings declined by 15.8% to 9,453, the 19th consecutive month of declining year-over-year inventory levels and the lowest March levels in a decade.

Although this listing shortage seems to be problematic for buyers, there is an upside for the sellers. The basics of supply and demand states that when the demand for real estate is high, prices rise. When the number of available properties increases, prices usually drop. With anxious buyers waiting in the winds, a beneficial opportunity presents itself for the sellers.

With a shortage of homes in the market the homes typically spend less time on the open market with sellers receiving quick  offers close to the list price and some even higher to ensure the offer is accepted. The average percentage of original list price received at sale in March was 95.1%, the highest March level in a decade, exceeding the previous high set in March 2014 and 2013 of 93.2%. The median days-on-market was 42 days, down from 63 days last year, and at the lowest level in a decade.

Due to listing shortage, the homes that are available on the market are getting scooped up. Sales across the Baltimore Metro area was up 21.7% from last year to $923.8 million. March closed sales of 3,288 were up 16.8% compared to last year and set a record high for the decade.

This data was compiled by the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) data in MarketStats by ShowingTime’s database based on listing activity from MRIS (Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.).The Baltimore Metro Area housing market includes the City of Baltimore, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County and Howard County in Maryland.

Low inventory, a strong demand for homes and springtime are a wonderful combination for a seller’s market. This is coupled with the fact the homes are typically on the market for less time than past years and the increase in sales makes this one of the best times to sell…in almost a decade! Listing inventory has not been this low in the peak spring season in quite a long time, if you are a seller or thinking about selling, this may be the best time to put your home on the market.

Interest rates, global events, inflation and tax reform are just a few economic variables that could help or hinder the future of the real estate market. The real estate market is constantly changing but the current storm of circumstances puts the seller in an advantageous position, one that may not last very long.

The In-Law Suite

We all want to live the “suite” life….but this one involves a change in your life to include your aging parents moving in with you. As the Baby Boomer generation is getting older we see more multi generational families living under the same roof. With more Americans living well beyond their 70s, more adult children are now left in a position where they have to be caregivers for their aging parents.
There are more than 50 million American families having multiple generations under one roof and the real estate market is reacting to this trend. Homes with in-law suite, extra kitchens, multiple master suites, a guest house and/or an accessory unit are offering flexibility when it comes to aging family members. With the rising cost of nursing homes, this multi generational living could be beneficial to all parties.
The restrictions for either adding onto an existing home, modifications within the existing home or building an additional structure (guest house/accessory unit) vary in each jurisdiction. Baltimore County Zoning and Harford County Zoning were contacted to compare restrictions, limits and the overall process. Harford County refers to the addition of the in-law suite (second kitchen being added) as “Cottage Housing” and Baltimore County refers to the addition as an “Accessory Apartment”. The process is overall very similar, the only real difference noted was that Harford County requires at least 2 acres of land to build a separate building not attached to the main dwelling: Baltimore County has no minimum. Both offices note that plans need to be approved regarding the layout/changes and there also needs to be a plan of action to remove the kitchen and return the home to a single kitchen residence. Once the declared person(s) will no longer be using the apartment, guest house, accessory unit the pre approved plan for removal needs to be executed.  For instance, if a separate manufactured home, mobile home or guest house is placed on a property and the declared person/relative is no longer residing in the dwelling the structure needs to be converted into a storage unit or possibly a garage. This check and balance system is maintained by a 2 year renewal process for the in-law quarters. Additional information can be obtained from www.baltimorecounty.gov and www.harfordcounty.gov. If you are planning to build onto your existing home every town (and in most cases every neighborhood) have different rules when it comes to adding on to a property. Find out what is possible through a meeting with the building inspector or planning department in your town and they will be able to say what is allowed when building an in-law suite on your property.
Another sector of the aging population prefer to preserve their independence and choose a manageable home for future years. A ranch style home where everything is accessible on one floor and allows opportunity for independence for years to come.  For the “active adult” there are also age-restricted communities , generally for people 55 and over where maintenance is generally provided and residents live among their peers. Most are rich with attractions to include pools, golf courses and a spa.
So, if you end up being the “suite” child that every parent desires offering multiple generations to live under one roof (or multiple roofs) or taking care of them out of necessity check with local planning and zoning because this multi step process is a bit more involved than a typical addition.

Maryland Appraising

Maryland Appraising Appraising real estate in Maryland involves properties of all facets. Properties in Maryland range from waterfront, working farms, mountainside retreats, vacant lots, condominiums, townhomes and single family homes to name a few. Each county offers its’ own spectrum … read more